قضبان الذهب والزئبق ومنتجات معدنية أخ


نوع : يبيع
التاريخ : 13 فبراير، 2023
الحالة : الجديد
الضمان : نعم فعلا
الموقع : 3859, Saudi Arabia, المدينة الصناعية الجديدة،, Riyadh 14336, Saudi Arabia

We are gold miners and produce non-ferrous metals such as gold bars, gold nuggets, gold and silver, platinum and palladium, and also market precious metals, stones and ores.

We market commodities such as diamonds, iron, mercury, and ores such as copper, lead, tungsten, and other ores, and we invite serious buyers of gold and our other products to take advantage of this opportunity to enable us to market our product stock to potential buyers. To communicate in formations, you can contact us through one of the following means. Email: [email protected]

Phone number: + 237675364245

Whatsapp +237675364245

Visit our website: https://nonferrousminers.com

Customer Relations Manager.




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